The Exceptional and Glorious History of the use of Ultramarine Lapis Lazuli Pigment. It is one of the oldest artists' pigments that is cherished and sought in present times too. It is a historic pigment having been found in Egyptian tomb Paintings, the first noted and recorded application of Lapis Lazuli as a pigment was in the cave paintings in 6th and 7th century AD in Afghanistan and Buddhist temples near the Lapis mine of Badakhshan, Afghanistan. De Mairo also sources raw material of Lapis lazuli from the same source of Badakhshan Afghanistan. Lapis Lazuli Pigment is also used in Chinese Paintings and in Japan for Ukiyo-e Printmaking, and Mughal Miniatures around 10th to 12th Century AD then we come to the glorious era of Medieval and Renaissance Painting. Giotto’s Frescoes and Panel Paintings both done with realistic touch made use of natural lapis lapis lazuli pigment. We have other great Italian artists like Duccio, Masaccio, Angelico, Uccello, Lippi, Botticelli etc all using lapis lazuli pigment to make their works of art not only classic masterpieces but also unmatched in their aesthetic appeal and religious value.The Renaissance in Europe.
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